Terms and conditions of use

Thank you for visiting our website angelschlesserparfums.com (hereinafter referred to as the “Website”) operated by Angelini Beauty S.A.

Below you will find the terms governing your access to and use of the Website (hereinafter referred to as the “Terms and Conditions of Use”). We are providing you this information pursuant to relative regulations and, in particular, in accordance with Spanish Law No. 34/2002 (LSSICE).

We invite you to read these terms and conditions carefully and, should you require any clarification, please do not hesitate to contact us by writing to the following address info@angelschlesserparfums.com

Please also read the Cookie Policy and Privacy Policy where we explain what kind of cookies this Website uses, as well as how and for what purpose your personal data is processed.

These Terms and Conditions of Use, as well as the Privacy Policy and Cookie Policy, do not apply to websites operated by parties other than ANGELINI BEAUTY whose links are present on the Website.

If you do not agree, either in whole or in part, with our Terms and Conditions of Use, please stop browsing and using the services on the Website.

Lastly, we would like to stress that access to and use of the Website, including the display of web pages, communication with us and, where provided, the possibility of downloading product information, constitute activities addressed to our users exclusively for their personal use, unrelated to any commercial, entrepreneurial or professional activity they may engage in.

ANGELINI BEAUTY may not be held responsible in any way for the non-compliant use of the Website or its contents by any of its users.


Intellectual Property

We hereby inform you that the contents of the Website, in whatever format, including the text, design, graphics, colours, frameworks, tools, fonts, layout, methods, processes, functions and software that form part of the same, are the property of ANGELINI BEAUTY or of third-party licensors. The reproduction, either in whole or in part, in any form whatsoever, of the Website or its content is prohibited without the express consent of ANGELINI BEAUTY or the owners of the rights; any systematic extraction or reuse of the content present on the Website is also prohibited without the express authorisation of ANGELINI BEAUTY.

The logos, trademarks and all the distinctive signs that identify the products present on the Website are registered trademarks of Angel Schlesser, and licensed by the same to ANGELINI BEAUTY, and are used within the Website for the sole purpose of identifying, describing and advertising these products. These logos, trademarks and distinctive signs may not be used without the express consent of their respective owners, not even to identify products or services that are not similar to those of ANGELINI BEAUTY or of other trademark owners. Owners of registered trademarks are entitled to make exclusive use of the trademarks they own.

ANGELINI BEAUTY is the exclusive owner of the ANGELINI BEAUTY logos and trademarks and of any other distinctive sign that contains them, including the domain name “.angelinibeauty”. Any unauthorised use of distinctive signs owned by ANGELINI BEAUTY is forbidden, as is any use in relation to products or services that do not belong to ANGELINI BEAUTY or are in any case likely to generate confusion among customers or have the effect of denigrating or discrediting ANGELINI BEAUTY.

ANGELINI BEAUTY, as owner of the exclusive rights of use of the Website, reserves the right to terminate or suspend your access to or use of the Website without notice if it has reasonable cause to believe that you have violated these Terms and Conditions of Use of the Website or if the aforementioned action is deemed necessary for security reasons.


Links to third-party websites and third-party content

The Website may provide links to other external websites solely to facilitate hypertext links to such websites (e.g., the e-commerce websites of business partners or third parties), to enable the localisation and purchase of products on the Website. The Website may also include, use or allow the display of content created by third parties, information from public sources and/or links to web pages.

In particular, with regards to links to external websites, we would like to highlight that there is no control, nor is any guarantee given, over the way in which these websites provide their services or process your personal data. You are therefore invited to exercise caution when connecting to said websites via the links on the Website, and to carefully read the terms and conditions of use and sale and the Privacy Policy of said websites. ANGELINI BEAUTY can in no way be considered part of any consumer relationship that may be created with external websites for the purchase of products published on the Website, a relationship that will be governed by the terms and conditions of service and sale of the external website and to which ANGELINI BEAUTY is unrelated.

Therefore, we hereby stress that any links or references to third-party webites or content do not represent and cannot be construed in any way as an endorsement or guarantee by ANGELINI BEAUTY of said websites and content to which the relative link or reference refers.

ANGELINI BEAUTY accepts no liability for any loss or damage that you may incur as a result of accessing, using, or relying on any third-party content or that is caused by or in connection with the purchase of any products or services made available on external websites.


Links to this Website

It is possible to create a link to our home page, provided that this is done in a legitimate and correct manner, and without damaging the reputation of the Website, ANGELINI BEAUTY or its licensors, holders of the rights to the contents of the Website, and without any undue commercial advantage being derived from said link.

It is in any case understood that the link shall in no way suggest the existence of any bond with, approval by or support of ANGELINI BEAUTY.

Notwithstanding the above, nothing from this Website may be reproduced on another website, nor may a link be created to any part of it other than the home page.


Changes to Website Content

The purpose of the Website is purely to provide information and promotion of the products presented on it. However accurate they may be, please note that the images and information on the Website are purely for the purposes of illustrating the type and quality of the products, and therefore ANGELINI BEAUTY cannot be held liable for any damages in the event of differences between or changes in the products and their images and the text descriptions published on the Website.

In any case, ANGELINI BEAUTY may change the information on the Website without prior notice to the user.


Modification of the Terms and Conditions of Use

ANGELINI BEAUTY reserves the right to modify these Terms and Conditions of Use for justified reasons, such as the development of the services, changes in the technical and commercial costs incurred for the provision of the services and/or a change in the competitive context that has an impact on the use of the Website and its services, as well as for technical or management requirements and/or changes in applicable regulations.

It is hereby understood that mandatory statutory and regulatory provisions that entail amendments or additions to the provisions contained in the Terms and Conditions of Use shall automatically and legally be incorporated into these Terms and Conditions of Use.


Applicable law and jurisdiction for disputes

These Terms and Conditions of Use are governed by and shall be interpreted in accordance with Spanish law. With regard to your status as a consumer, the court of the place of your residence or domicile shall be competent for disputes relating to the contract signed.

We hereby inform you that the European Commission provides a platform for the alternative out-of-court resolution of disputes, which is accessible at http://ec.europa.eu/odr, and to which you may refer in the event of disputes arising from these Terms and Conditions of Use.



If you need to contact us in order to obtain information or to bring to our attention remarks or reports on the contents of this Website, please write to info@agelinibeauty.it